This Master in International Relations and Migrations (International and European Studies) has a predominantly international legal profile, which is why graduates in Law and other Legal Science courses and studies will find it of particular interest. One of the objectives of this Master is to train and qualify students from different branches on the relevant knowledge of International Relations, International Law and contemporary migration policies, from a perspective of international protection of Human Rights. In this sense, taking into account the possible professional opportunities focused on the international sphere, such as International Organizations, Think Tanks, NGOs, etc., it would also be pertinent to consider other degrees such as Political Sciences, Sociology, History, Economics, etc. It is essential to have an official university degree in any of the areas of knowledge mentioned, in any case. English, mainly, but also Spanish, are the languages of communication necessary to follow the teachings of this bilingual Master, which are taught in person at 70% in English and 30% in Spanish, and 100% in English in documentation and evaluation. Potential students will have to be sufficiently familiar with English and Spanish to be able to follow courses in that language. Hence the need to demonstrate their knowledge of these two languages, as well as the interest of conducting an objective interview/test in English (and in Spanish for foreigners).
- Vacancies: 20