Official Master’s Posgraduate
The new MASTER IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MIGRATIONS (INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN STUDIES) will be taught at the Faculty of Law of the University of Cadiz from the next academic year 2019/2020.
This Master will be launched under the commitment between the University of Cadiz and the European Commission within the Framework of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, and it comes with the vocation of being an original postgraduate program in the University of Cadiz. The innovation of this academic offer is highlighted not only due to its cutting-edge theoretical and practical training in the area of International Relations and contemporary Migration policies, but also for its remarkable internationalization purpose; since it is the only bilingual English-Spanish postgraduate degree in the University of Cadiz, Andalucía and Spain, in these cross curricular areas with great practical incidence. It is therefore the only Official Posgraduate Degree in Andalusia that converges the generality of International and European Studies and specialization in Migration and Human Rights, in an ideal geographical environment such as the Province of Cadiz and the Strait of Gibraltar.
Due to its interdisciplinary bilingual condition, this Master’s has three fundamental features:
– It strengthens the bilingual teaching –mainly in English- in postgraduate studies in the University of Cadiz, including courses taught entirely in English with a predominantly international-legal profile for International Relations. The level of bilingualism is expected to reach 65% English and 35% Spanish.
– It studies the complex connections of interdependence between International Relations and the current public policies on migration.
– It is suitable with the reality of today’s society through the combination of key knowledge about international relations and the European Union on one hand; and on the other – migration, asylum, refugee and border European and Spanish policies, while bearing in mind the protection of Human Rights.
This Master’s is open to all who are in possession of a Bachelor’s or Graduate degree, preferably in the area of Social and Legal Sciences and with special priority to those with University degree in Law and Social Work studies. In any case, this degree is aimed at students who have a special interest in completing their professional and academic training from an internationalist perspective, as it will allow graduates from different branches to choose their specialization according to their labour expectations, linked to international organizations and institutions, diplomacy, officials of national or international administrations, international experts and agents; as well as to international Spanish administrations and non-governmental organization specialized in the field of international migration and human rights; or private entities (such as companies, Think tanks…)