II Workshop Neighbourhood, Migrations and Higher Education Cooperation – Jean Monnet Module “Identity and European Values in the External Borders”, 26th-27th OCTOBER 2023 31 octubre 2023
The II Workshop NEIGHBOURHOOD, MIGRATIONS AND HIGHER EDUCATION COOPERATION was successfully held on 26th and 27th October 2023, within the framework of the activities of the Jean Monnet Module “IDENTITY AND EUROPEAN VALUES IN THE EXTERNAL BORDERS: RUSSIA AND THE EU NEIGHBOURHOOD. FROM THE BALTIC TO THE MEDITERRANEAN (EUBALMED)”, in the Campus of Jerez de la Frontera, University of Cadiz.
This Module is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alejandro del Valle Gálvez, Professor of Public International Law and Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Migration and Human Rights in Europe’s External Borders” and Dr. Lorena Calvo Mariscal, Assistant Lecturer of Public International Law and Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. It aims to explore European identity and values at Europe’s external borders, within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy with Eastern and Southern Europe.
This activity is the third one held this year, in addition to the I Workshop Neighbourhood, Migrations and Higher Education Cooperation (2nd-3rd May), and the International Seminar (online) on Neighbourhood, Migrations and Higher Education Cooperation (6th July). The purpose of the event is to address issues on “Immigration and Refugees at the European External Borders”, and well as “University Cooperation in times of crisis”, and was attended by numerous partners and collaborators from various partner institutions such as Caucasus University (Georgia), University of Gdansk (Poland), Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Ukraine), European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Building Knowledge and Expertise to Overcome the Current Crisis in EU-Russian Relations and Jean Monnet Chair “Remembering European Strategic Communities for United Europe: Historical Memory Between Nations and Institutions”.
The 26th October began with the inaugural lecture entitled “Breakdown of EU-Russia Transnational Ties: Causes and Consequences”, by Dr. Tatiana ROMANOVA, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Building Knowledge and Expertise to Overcome the Current Crisis in EU-Russian Relations”. The following lecture was titled “The Israel-Palestine conflict in a crossroad: is the role of the EU clear?”, by Dr. Michel REMI NJIKI. This morning session was moderated by Dr. Victor APRYSHCHENKO, Jean Monnet Chair “Remembering European Strategic Communities for United Europe: Historical Memory Between Nations and Institutions”.
The third lecture of the day, about “Georgian Identity as heard in the polyphony” was given by Dr. Gia BAGASHVILI, Doctor of Arts, Caucasus University (Georgia). This first day concluded with the Round Table “Higher-Education Cooperation between partner universities (I)”, with the participation of Mr. Javier IZQUIERDO ANTÓN, International Projects and Networks Secretariat, Internationalisation Office of the University of Cadiz, and Dr. Grzegorz WELIZAROWICZ, Director of the International Border Studies Centre, University of Gdansk (Poland).
The 27th October began with the lecture entitled “From Dusk till Down… and Beyond: Bard, Smolny and Liberal Education in Contemporary Russia”, by Dr. Apryshchenko. This lecture was followed by the Round Table named “New challenges for migration at Europe’s external borders and beyond”, moderated by Dr. Tatiana ROMANOVA. First, Ms. María de los Ángeles BELLIDO LORA, PhD Candidate in Public International Law of the University of Cadiz, talked about “Search and Rescue Coordination Complexities on the Atlantic Route to the Canary Islands: Insights from the June 2023 shipwreck”. Second, Mr. Enrique DEL ÁLAMO MARCHENA, PhD Candidate in Public International Law of the University of Cadiz, spoke about “The ‘root causes’ of forced displacement and the prevention of climate change: A guarantee for human rights-based migration management”. Third, Ms. Cristina CASTILLA CID, PhD Candidate and Assistant Lecturer in Public International Law of the University of Cadiz, talked about “Article 40 TEU on the EU’s external competences to fight agains migrant smuggling: about EUCAP Sahel Niger”.
Following this panel, Dr. Olena NIHREIEVA, Visiting Professor of Public International Law of the University of Cadiz and Associate Professor in International Law at the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Ukraine) presented her lecture titled “Rule of Law in International Relations and EU”.
Finally, the conference concluded with the second Round Table on “Higher-Education Cooperation between partner universities (II)”, with the participation of Dr. M. Laura MARTIN DIAZ, reSEArch EU Project Coordinator European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) of the University of Cadiz, and Dr. Lorena CALVO MARISCAL, Coordinator of the Observatory for Migration and Human Rights, European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) of the University of Cadiz.
The workshop was enjoyed by many members of the academic community, both on-site and online. In particular, students of the Master’s Degree in International Relations and Migrations of the University of Cadiz actively participated in the multiple debates that were generated throughout the sessions. This event puts an end to the Module, with a total of 60 hours of training and more than 15 collaborating entities.